Coconut Chai Vanuatu Blend

from $9.95

Coconut Chai is a great flavor match for this blend of Vanuatu noble kava varieties. This deliciously smooth kava offering is uplifting, euphoric, and deeply enjoyable for social occasions and daytime kava enjoyment! Slightly caffeinated from Coconut Chai black tea, this kava selection will be more stimulating, uplifting, and cheerful than some of our heavier, more relaxing kava varieties.

Sourced From the Republic of Vanuatu
Socially Euphoric, Uplifting, Mentally Stimulating
Cultivar - Palarasul Vanuatu

Each pouch contains three servings. Enjoy multiple servings per session to allow the kavalactones to build within the system.

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BREWERS NOTES: Coconut Chai Fijian Waka was one of our first kava flavors that we ever made, so I knew when we tasted this Palarasul from Santo, it would be the perfect kava to match the flavors we discovered with our first iteration of this variety. Palarasul is notoriously difficult to source, as it is only grown on one island in Vanuatu, Espiritu Santo. This kava is perfect for my daytime task accomplishment kava; not sedating, very uplifting, mentally stimulating, and DELICIOUS.

Ingredients: Reverse Osmosis Filtered Water, Idaho Honey, Palarasul Vanuatu Noble Kava Root, Coconut Chai Black Tea, Dried Coconut

Kavalactone Profile: 423156
Amount of Kava Used: 14 Grams Per 12oz Pouch (Mixed and Strained)

Karuna Kava is a family owned and operated business. Please allow up to one week to ship. Our products are made fresh multiple times weekly to deliver the highest quality products possible to our customers, and we only ship Monday-Wednesday. We appreciate you business, and your patience.